The Role of Technology in Recruitment: Complete 2024 Guide

If you are a recruiter looking to take your career remote, you must know that transitioning to working from home opens new possibilities but also has its challenges. For one, you’ll need to overhaul your recruitment tech stack; the tools you rely on in a traditional office likely won’t cut it for a distributed team. By taking advantage of the latest technology in recruitment, you can streamline your process and recruit top talent, no matter where you’re based.

In this article, we’ll explore essential recruitment technologies to help you work smarter, faster, and more efficiently from home. We’ll also show you how to transition smoothly to a remote recruiting working model with Recruiter Startup. Let’s dive in!

How Technology Is Revolutionising Recruitment

As technology evolves, recruitment, like most other industries, has changed. Notably, the recruitment landscape has been impacted by the advent of AI, productivity tools, and social media.

1. AI and Automation

Artificial intelligence and automation are transforming how hiring managers source and screen candidates, with 65% of recruiters already using the technology. AI can analyse thousands of resumes and automatically match qualified candidates to job openings based on skills, experience, and more. This allows recruiters to focus their efforts on the most qualified applicants. AI chatbots and automated assistants also help by answering basic questions for candidates and scheduling initial phone screens.

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2. Streamlining the Application Process

New tools are making it easier for candidates to apply and for recruiters to evaluate applications. Applicant tracking systems centralise the application process with branded career sites where candidates can easily submit their information. These systems automatically scan resumes and score candidates based on their qualifications.

In addition, video interviewing platforms allow candidates to record responses to interview questions on their own time. Recruiters can then evaluate the videos and only advance the top candidates to the next round. This saves time for both parties and provides more flexibility in the process.

3. Access to More Candidates

Technology opens recruiters up to a larger pool of potential candidates. Social media, online talent communities, and professional networks make it possible to post job ads and source passive candidates who may not actively be on the job market. Location is also less of a limitation, as virtual hiring and remote work enable recruiting beyond a specific geographic radius.

Overall, technology recruiting is enhancing and accelerating nearly every step of the recruitment process. While human judgement and interaction remain essential, solutions powered by AI and software are helping companies find and hire the best candidates faster and more efficiently than ever before. The future of the recruitment industry is digital; get on the train now with our list of essential recruitment technology tools to streamline your workflow.

Top 5 Recruitment Tools to Streamline Your Hiring Process

Streamlining your process and focusing on the human side of recruiting is key to success as a home-based recruiter. With the support of technology and automation, you’ll have more time to build relationships, network, and source great candidates.

Leverage the following tech tools to improve productively and scale your recruitment business:

  • Applicant tracking systems
  • Social media platforms
  • Video interviewing platforms
  • AI and automation tools
  • Analysis and reporting tools

1. Applicant Tracking Systems for Efficient Recruiting

With Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), you can:

Reduce Time Spent on Administration

An ATS can help streamline many administrative tasks, offering up to 20% savings in time. No more sifting through stacks of resumes, scheduling phone screens or chasing down candidates for interview times. With an ATS, you can automatically source, screen and progress top candidates through the hiring process.

Lower Your Cost Per Hire

An ATS reduces the amount of time your team spends on repetitive, low-value tasks. This allows you to focus on more strategic priorities like sourcing high-quality candidates and nurturing your talent pool. The more time you can allocate to these impactful activities, the lower your cost per hire will be.

Accelerate Time to Fill

ATS Technology in recruiting speeds up the hiring process through automated workflows and notifications. For example, as soon as a new job opening is approved, an ATS can automatically post it to your company website and multiple job boards. Candidates are instantly screened, and qualified applicants are moved forward for review and interview. With an optimised process, you can significantly decrease the number of days from job posting to offer acceptance.

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Improve the Candidate’s Experience

Today’s job seekers expect a streamlined application process with regular communication and updates. An ATS delivers a modern candidate experience with user-friendly job portals, tailored communications and mobile-friendly features. This results in higher applicant satisfaction, greater completion rates and a boosted employer brand.

Using an applicant tracking system is a smart investment for any recruiting team looking to work more efficiently and strategically. However, you can save yourself some extra money as a franchise recruiter with Recruiter Startup. We’ll provide you with the essential software to kickstart your recruitment journey as soon as possible — no dealing with compliance and regulations, and we provide you with at least 2 leads per month. Contact us now to get started.

2. Social Media for Sourcing and Engaging Candidates

Social media has become an invaluable tool for sourcing and engaging top candidates. According to reports, 94% of professional recruiters use these platforms for posting jobs, and 86% of job seekers use them in their job search. As a recruiter, having an active presence on major platforms allows you to connect with qualified applicants, build relationships, and convey your company culture.

LinkedIn: The Social Network for Professionals

LinkedIn is the premier social network for recruitment. With over 1 billion members, it’s a goldmine for finding candidates in your industry.

Create a compelling company profile to spread brand awareness, then start joining relevant LinkedIn groups to connect with potential applicants. Engage by commenting on discussions and posting job openings. You can also search profiles for candidates based on skills, experience, location and more.

Reach out and start a conversation — many candidates appreciate a personalised message. To get the best of LinkedIn, consider opting for the LinkedIn Recruiter service.

Twitter: Share Your Company Culture

Twitter is ideal for promoting your company culture and values to candidates. Share photos of your office, team events, or community outreach. Tweet about new projects or company milestones. All of these give candidates insight into what it’s like to work with your organisation.

Also, follow thought leaders in your industry and engage with them; candidates who share those interests may start following you in return. This establishes your company as an authority and destination workplace.

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You don’t need to be a big organisation to be regarded as a company; you can equally tweet about your business journey as a solo or franchise recruiter. Remember to mention open positions to spread the word to your followers.

Additional Platforms

Don’t limit yourself to just two platforms. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Glassdoor also provide opportunities to enhance your recruiting efforts. Post photos, videos, job listings, and company updates across multiple channels. Candidates today use an average of 16 resources in their job search, so casting a wide net will help you find the best talent.

3. Video Interviewing to Save Time and Money

Video interview technology in recruitment is revolutionising the hiring process, with 69% of recruiters introducing it into their hiring process. As a recruiter working from home, embracing video technology can help streamline your hiring and save valuable time and money.

Convenience and Efficiency

Conducting interviews over video allows you to connect with candidates remotely without complicated logistics. There’s no need to book meeting rooms or coordinate schedules around travel. You can evaluate candidates from anywhere with an Internet connection.

For candidates, video interviews remove the stress and expense of taking time off work or paying for travel and accommodation to attend an initial screening. This convenience encourages more candidates to move forward in the process, giving you a larger pool to choose from.

Get More Done in Less Time

With video, you can pack more interviews into a single day and avoid playing phone tag. The face-to-face nature of video also allows you to gain a better sense of a candidate in a shorter amount of time versus a phone call. Look for qualities like enthusiasm, communication skills, and professionalism.

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You’ll also save time on follow-up by having a recording of the interview to review and share with colleagues. In fact, some video interview platforms offer features like automatically transcribed interviews, timed question responses, and AI-based candidate assessments, which can further help refine the hiring process.

Lower Costs

For companies, video interviewing software is often more affordable than bringing candidates onsite. You avoid costs like travel reimbursement, catering, and administrative expenses.

In summary, recruitment technologies like video interviews allow you to cast a wider net and consider candidates from a larger geographic radius. Opening up your search in this way gives you access to more talent and a higher chance of finding the perfect fit for the role.

4. AI and Automation in Recruitment

AI and automation are transforming recruitment, allowing companies to handle repetitive tasks more efficiently. It’s no surprise that 99% of Fortune 500 companies use it in their hiring process. As a recruiter, AI tools can help in job postings, scheduling interviews and streamline your process so you can focus on more strategic work.

Effectively Screen CVs and Resume

AI-powered resume screening uses algorithms to analyse resumes and CVs, filtering out unqualified candidates. It can search for key terms, skills, education, experience, and more to determine good matches for a role. This automated process is much faster than manual reviewing and ensures that only the most relevant candidates make it to the next stage. Reports show that AI can save up to 14 hours spent on manual tasks every week.

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Conduct Initial Candidate Assessment

AI can also conduct initial candidate assessments; it evaluates candidates on qualities like critical thinking, cognitive ability, and personality. AI assesses a candidate’s answers to questions and can even analyse their facial expressions and tone of voice. These AI assessments provide recruiters with helpful data to determine who should proceed to an interview.

Automate Introductory Interviews

Recruitment chatbots automate initial communication with candidates. They can have an introductory conversation, ask screening questions, schedule calls or interviews, and answer basic questions about the role or company. This allows recruiters to spend less time on administrative tasks and more time with high-quality candidates.

5. Analytics and Reporting for Data-Driven Decisions

As a recruiter working from home, analytics and reporting tools are essential for gaining valuable insights into your performance and making data-driven decisions.

Woopra, Google Analytics, and Tableau are powerful options for tracking key metrics. Connect these tools to your applicant tracking system and CRM (customer relationship management) software to monitor how candidates move through your hiring funnel, the source of your best hires, and which job boards or social platforms are most effective for sourcing top talent.

Monitor Essential KPIs

With reporting dashboards, you’ll have an overview of vital KPIs like time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and offer-acceptance rates. Compare metrics month-to-month and year-over-year to identify trends and make improvements. For example, if time-to-hire has increased, you may need to streamline some processes. If offer-acceptance rates have declined, re-evaluate your salary offers or interview experience.

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Track Your Team’s Performance

Analytics also allow you to track the performance of individual recruiters on your team so you can determine who may need additional coaching or resources and improve your recruitment strategies. You might find some recruiters excel at sourcing but struggle with closing offers, while others shine at building candidate relationships but source from the same limited pool. With data-driven insights, you can play to each recruiter’s strengths.

Our recruitment software includes all the essential recruitment technologies you need to streamline your process, from automation to analytics and reporting. Join Recruiter Startup today and save yourself valuable time and money while enjoying the mentorship of an established recruitment agency.

Choosing the Right Recruitment Technology Stack

Having known what technology is needed to build an effective recruitment desk, you should understand that you won’t always need all these tools at a go.

Here is how to determine the right tools you need:

1. Identify your needs and challenges.

When building your recruitment tech stack, start by understanding your major needs and challenges. Are you looking to automate tasks, reduce time-to-hire, improve candidate experience or target passive candidates? Defining your priorities will help determine which tools to focus on.

2. Research every available solution. 

Once you know your needs, research the available solutions. Applicant tracking systems (ATS) like Greenhouse, Lever, and SmartRecruiters can help organise applications and streamline workflows. Video interviewing platforms such as SparkHire and VidCruiter reduce scheduling hassles. For sourcing, tap into sites like Indeed, Monster and AngelList or use tools like Entelo and SeekOut to search professional profiles.

3. Make an informed decision.

Don’t just choose a tool because it pops up first in your search; do your due diligence. Consider how new tools will integrate with your current process before investing in them.

Will they work with your ATS or Human Resources Information System (HRIS)?

Are they mobile-friendly for candidates and colleagues working remotely?

Choose platforms that will grow with your organisation and support a quality experience for all users. You can read reviews of each platform and tool or try a free version before investing in them.

4. Aim for a balanced recruitment tech stack. 

A balanced recruitment tech stack with the right mix of solutions for your priorities can transform your hiring process. Automating administrative tasks frees up more time to spend engaging with candidates. Stronger sourcing and screening help you find the most qualified applicants faster. An optimised experience leaves candidates with a positive impression of your company and brand.

Reviewing your end-to-end process, identifying priorities, and evaluating options are the first steps to building a recruitment tech stack tailored to your needs. With the array of solutions now available, you can craft a stack to streamline and enhance each step of your hiring journey. Remember, you can always join our franchise recruitment team to enjoy the benefits of a balanced recruitment tech stack, save time and resources, and improve your chance of success through mentorship from experts. Contact us now to get started!

Frequently Asked Questions

How are businesses using technology to impact the recruitment process?

Businesses are leveraging technology in recruitment to revolutionise the hiring process. Video communication platforms like Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Teams enable global candidate interactions. Recruitment software has been reported to positively impact the hiring process by 94% of recruiters and hiring professionals, streamlining and enhancing the overall recruitment experience.

Why work in technology recruitment?

Working in technology recruitment offers an ideal challenge for recent graduates with sales experience, promising endless career development opportunities and a dynamic daily routine. With substantial income potential and continuous growth prospects, technology recruitment presents an enticing career path for those seeking professional advancement and financial rewards.

How does AI work in recruitment?

AI in recruitment effectively addresses bias by impartially screening candidates based on qualifications and experience, minimising subjective factors like age, gender, and race. By doing so, AI promotes fair and unbiased candidate evaluation, enhancing the overall objectivity of the hiring process and contributing to more diverse and inclusive recruitment outcomes.

What is the positive impact of technology in recruitment and selection?

The integration of technology in recruitment and selection significantly enhances efficiency by automating repetitive tasks like job posting, CV screening, and interview scheduling. This transformation streamlines the hiring process, enabling recruiters to focus on more strategic and value-adding activities, ultimately leading to improved productivity and better candidate experiences.


With technology in recruitment, you can streamline your hiring process and work from anywhere. Using automation, AI, and virtual collaboration, you can source, screen, interview, hire, and onboard top talent more efficiently. Sure, it may take some time to get used to new systems, but once you do, you’ll be more productive while enjoying the freedom of the home office lifestyle. The good news is you can get started utilising essential technologies now by joining the Recruiter Startup franchise recruitment program!

Daniel has an operations background and has been working in the Recruitment and Payroll sector for over 15 years. Daniel started with Additional Resources in 2010, now managing Business Operations, IT, and Contractor services.

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