LinkedIn Recruiter 2024 Guide: Overview, Pricing, and Tips

Did you know that 77 job applications are submitted on LinkedIn every second, 6 people are hired every minute, and 61 million people search for jobs on LinkedIn weekly?

It’s no surprise why professionals and businesses are turning to LinkedIn for recruitment — 72% of recruiters claim they use LinkedIn to hire talent. LinkedIn Recruiter is a tool many recruiters use to get the best out of the LinkedIn job candidate market. The premium offering provides recruiters with a range of powerful features to make their search for candidates more efficient and effective.

This guide explores topics like what LinkedIn Recruiter is, how to use LinkedIn Recruiter, and whether it’s worth the investment for your recruitment business.

What Is LinkedIn Recruiter?

LinkedIn Recruiter is a premium service offered by LinkedIn that provides recruiters or established businesses with access to a suite of powerful tools designed to enhance their recruitment efforts.

With LinkedIn Recruiter, recruiters gain complete visibility of all users outside their network, allowing them to connect with a wider pool of potential candidates. LinkedIn Recruiter professional services also include 150 InMails per month, allowing recruiters to send personalised messages to candidates and over 40 additional search filters to help refine their candidate searches.

One of the standout features of LinkedIn Recruiter is its enhanced insights and reporting capabilities. Recruiters can gain valuable insights into qualified candidates actively looking for work, helping them identify and connect with candidates who are actively seeking new opportunities.

Furthermore, LinkedIn Recruiter eliminates the monthly search limit imposed on free LinkedIn profiles, allowing recruiters to conduct unlimited searches and save search results for future reference. The service also allows users to create projects and pipelines, making it easier for recruiters to manage multiple roles and collaborate with their teams.

Note that there is a lite version of LinkedIn Recruiter, and it’s quite different from the standard offering. Let’s explore the key differences between the two.

LinkedIn Recruiter vs. LinkedIn Recruiter Lite

LinkedIn Recruiter is designed for agencies with multiple recruiters or a high volume of roles. However, if you’re a small recruitment agency with one or two recruiters, you may find that the full LinkedIn Recruiter package is more than you need. In such cases, LinkedIn also offers a scaled-down version called LinkedIn Recruiter Lite.

Recruiter Lite offers many of the key features of LinkedIn Recruiter but at a more affordable price point and in an abridged form.

For example, Recruiter Lite provides 30 InMail messages per month and 10 saved search alerts per day, compared to the 150 InMail messages per month and 50 search alerts offered by LinkedIn Recruiter. However, Recruiter Lite lacks the additional reporting capabilities and integration with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) available in LinkedIn Recruiter.

When deciding how to use LinkedIn for recruitment and which option is right for your recruitment business, it’s important to consider the LinkedIn recruiter pricing model — let’s explore that below.

How Much Does LinkedIn Recruiter Cost?

In this section, we’ll provide answers to questions like:

How much is LinkedIn Recruiter?

How much Is a LinkedIn Recruiter license?

The full LinkedIn Recruiter license cost is upwards of £5,000 a year. You can choose between a monthly or yearly subscription. On the other hand, the LinkedIn Recruiter Lite cost is around £135 per month or £1,325 per year for a single licence, making it a more budget-friendly choice for smaller agencies.

However, these costs vary depending on several factors, including the size of your team and the required features. For more insight on the cost of the LinkedIn Recruiter license, it’s recommended to speak with the LinkedIn Recruiter corporate sales team to discuss your specific needs and get a quote tailored to your requirements. The below tips may come in handy when using LinkedIn Recruiter for candidate search.

5 Tips for Maximising the Value of LinkedIn Recruiter

Now that we have a better understanding of how to recruit on LinkedIn Recruiter let’s explore some strategies to help you make the most of this powerful tool:

  • Craft engaging InMails.
  • Leverage saved search alerts.
  • Collaborate and share projects.
  • Make data-driven decisions.
  • Leverage your company page followers.
5 tips section image

1. Craft engaging InMails.

InMails are a key feature when using LinkedIn Recruiter candidate search. LinkedIn Recruiter allows you to bulk send InMail messages to potential candidates. When crafting your InMails, focus on creating engaging subject lines that will grab the candidate’s attention.

Personalise your opening and introduce yourself, explaining how you came across their profile. Mention any relevant connections or shared interests to establish a connection with the candidate. Keep your InMails concise and to the point, as lengthy messages may deter recipients from reading the entire message.

2. Leverage saved search alerts.

A LinkedIn plan on the Recruiter tool allows you to set up saved LinkedIn search alerts, which can be invaluable for staying updated on relevant changes in your talent pool. Set up refined searches based on your specific criteria and save them to receive alerts whenever there are changes in the LinkedIn search results.

This feature is particularly useful when you want to search LinkedIn for candidates who have recently changed their job status or indicated that they are open to new opportunities. By being the first to know about these changes, you can gain a competitive advantage in reaching out to these candidates.

3. Collaborate and share projects.

If you have multiple recruiters in your agency, take advantage of LinkedIn Recruiter’s collaboration features. The ability to share projects and searches helps streamline the recruitment process and avoid duplication of efforts.

By centralising projects and pipelines in one shared portal, recruiters can easily see which candidates have already been contacted and avoid reaching out to the same candidate multiple times. This feature is especially beneficial for high-volume projects or agencies with multiple recruiters working together.

4. Make data-driven decisions.

A LinkedIn Recruiter subscription provides valuable insights and analytics that can help inform your recruitment strategy. Take advantage of the increased search insights, which provide visual and filterable breakdowns of your LinkedIn Recruiter search results. These insights allow you to quickly identify suitable candidates based on specific criteria, such as previous experience at competitor companies.

LinkedIn Recruiter also offers InMail analytics, allowing you to track the effectiveness of your messages and make adjustments based on the response rates. By leveraging these data-driven insights, you can optimise your recruitment efforts and improve your overall success rate.

5. Leverage your company page followers.

Your company’s LinkedIn page can be a goldmine for potential candidates and clients. Take the time to optimise your company page by regularly posting engaging content that showcases your agency’s brand and values.

When sourcing for a role or looking for potential leads, review your company page followers. These individuals have already engaged with your brand and have shown interest in what you do. By reaching out to them directly, you can tap into a pool of candidates and clients who are already familiar with your brand, saving valuable InMail credits for more targeted outreach.

Is LinkedIn Recruiter Worth It?

The decision to invest in LinkedIn Recruiter corporate services ultimately depends on individual preferences and business needs. While LinkedIn Recruiter offers a range of powerful features that can enhance your recruitment efforts, it may not be necessary for every recruitment business.

If you have multiple recruiters and a basic ATS system in place, LinkedIn Recruiter can provide valuable tools for collaboration and candidate sourcing. However, for the same price, you could invest in a robust ATS system and recruitment technology that offers similar functionalities.

If your main need is the ability to message candidates out of network profiles or to overcome the search limits of a free LinkedIn account, you may want to explore alternative options. LinkedIn offers other premium options, such as Premium Business and Sales Navigator, that provide messaging capabilities at a more affordable price point. These options may be more suitable if messaging is your primary requirement.

However, if you’re interested in starting your own recruitment business and seeking support and training, consider partnering with us at Recruiter Startup.

Recruiter Startup’s Franchise Recruitment Model

At Recruiter Startup, we provide a comprehensive range of business tools and support services to help you build a successful recruitment desk from the comfort of your own home.

We help independent recruiters by offering a franchise recruiter program that allows you to work from home and save on the hefty recruitment agency startup costs. We provide all the necessary resources and support to set up a successful recruitment desk, including established branding, network access connections, and expertise in the industry.

As a franchise recruiter, you can enjoy flexibility, work-life balance, and the potential for high income through placement fees. You earn 80–90% of all placement fees, and like most of our associates, you have the potential to hit an income of £40,000 to £100,000 yearly.

Recruiter Startup takes care of administrative tasks and provides ongoing support and job analytics reports, allowing recruiters to focus on finding top talent and building their recruitment agency.

Remember, LinkedIn Recruiter is just one among several collaboration tools in your recruitment arsenal. It’s important to combine it with other hiring tools, strategies and techniques to maximise your success in finding and connecting with top talent. With the right approach and the right tools, you can streamline your hiring process and take your recruitment business to new heights.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the LinkedIn Recruiter about?

LinkedIn Recruiter is a powerful talent insights tool designed specifically for enterprise recruiters. It provides a platform for staffing firms to efficiently find and engage with potential candidates for their job posts. With LinkedIn Recruiter, recruiters can access the entire LinkedIn network of professionals, search for specific skills or qualifications, and build relationships with potential hires and 3rd-degree connections.

Professionals who use LinkedIn for their recruitment process take advantage of its network search filters, communication features, and applicant tracking system integration. These features allow active recruiters to identify and connect with the right candidates for their organisation.

How much does LinkedIn Recruiter cost in the UK?

To determine how much LinkedIn Recruiter costs in the UK, we recommend contacting their corporate sales team. While the exact cost usually depends on factors like team size and desired features, research indicates that the average annual LinkedIn Recruiter cost is upwards of £5,000 per license.

Is it okay to look at a recruiter on LinkedIn?

Yes, it’s perfectly acceptable and ethical to view a recruiter’s LinkedIn profile. It’s often encouraged as it allows candidates to gain valuable insights into the background and experience of the recruiter.

By doing so, candidates can better understand the interviewer’s perspective and tailor their responses accordingly. It shows proactive engagement and demonstrates genuine interest in the role. However, it’s important to respect privacy settings and only view information that is publicly available to maintain ethical boundaries.

What should I post on LinkedIn to get noticed?

To get noticed on LinkedIn, you can try posting:

  • Rich and interactive content, such as videos or infographics
  • Relevant and timely company insights or news articles
  • Personal stories to engage the audience and other LinkedIn members
  • Interesting statistics and data to attract attention
  • Content outside your industry to broaden your reach (occasionally)
  • Content showcasing your company culture, e.g., behind-the-scenes photos or employee spotlights
  • Thought-provoking questions that encourage engagement
  • Content highlighting customer successes to demonstrate the value of your services

How popular is LinkedIn Recruiter?

LinkedIn Recruiter is quite popular among recruiters — approximately 72% of recruiters utilise the LinkedIn platform to source and hire new talent. Plus, LinkedIn Recruiter accounts for a 0.33% share in the recruitment market. Other top competitors in the recruitment category include LinkedIn (81.67%), ADP (1.81%), and Indeed (1.36%).


While LinkedIn Recruiter can be a powerful tool for recruiters, it’s important to carefully evaluate your business needs and weigh the cost against the potential benefits. Consider alternatives such as LinkedIn Recruiter Lite, Premium Business, or Sales Navigator, which may offer more cost-effective solutions for your specific requirements. And if you’re looking to set up a home recruitment desk that affords you the luxury of working on your own terms, partner with us today as a franchise recruiter.

Contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve your recruitment business goals.

Daniel has an operations background and has been working in the Recruitment and Payroll sector for over 15 years. Daniel started with Additional Resources in 2010, now managing Business Operations, IT, and Contractor services.

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