Recruitment Startup Funding Guide: 6 Financing Options

You’ve come to the right place if you’re a recruiter looking to work from home or an office. Whether you’re just getting started or looking for ways to grow your recruitment desk, there are a variety of innovative funding solutions out there that can help get you off the ground.

Fortunately, having the proper partners may help—like when you join Additional Resources’ Recruiter Startup Model, you can start your own recruitment desk with minimal up-front investment. However, to paint a clear picture of the financial implications, we’ll present an analysis of the various recruitment agency startup costs—from technology needs to marketing expenses—and explore viable ways to reduce them.

Table of Contents

Top 6 Recruitment Funding Options for Startups

To simplify things, here are the top six funding solutions for recruitment startups:

  1. Crowdfunding
  2. Business partnership
  3. Bootstrapping
  4. Government initiatives and grants
  5. Venture capital and angel investors
  6. Invoice factoring

#1. Crowdfunding as a Recruitment Startup Funding Solution

Crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular financing option for startup companies in the UK. In 2020, equity-based crowdfunding platforms alone raised a total of £549 million, up from £28 million in 2013. The appeal of crowdfunding lies in its ease of access and low barriers to entry, which make it a feasible funding option for small businesses.

For recruitment startups, crowdfunding can be an exciting funding source. It provides a way for potential clients to obtain pre-launch of your services, receive donations, or secure loans without giving away a significant stake in your company. In essence, crowdfunding allows you to retain greater control over your business than other funding options, such as venture capital (to be discussed later).

However, achieving success with crowdfunding isn’t a simple process. To launch a successful crowdfunding campaign, you must create a well-crafted pitch showcasing its value proposition and why it’s worth investing in. The pitch also needs to be presented in a way that’s easily digestible for potential investors.

Furthermore, crowdfunding platforms like Seedrs and Crowdcube have specific rules and regulations that must be followed, such as providing investors with detailed financial projections and risks associated with the investment.

With a trusted partner like Recruiter Startup, costs to start your recruitment desk are minimal compared to starting from scratch. We also take care of all the necessary legal documents and offer continuous support to make your business successful. So, there is no need to woo investors. You can get started immediately or contact us for more information.

Compared to traditional bank loans or venture capital funding, crowdfunding can be a more accessible option for early-stage startups. However, it’s important to note that crowdfunding campaigns require significant effort and time to set up, promote, and manage. It’s also worth considering the potential risks associated with crowdfunding, such as reputational risks if a campaign fails to meet its funding target or delivers on promises made to investors.

#2. How About Taking On a Business Partner(s)?

Another startup recruitment funding option is working with a business partner, which can offer several benefits. If you don’t have enough capital to invest or don’t want to share your business risks and rewards with someone else, taking on a business partner could be a good solution. When you share the financial burden by spreading it across two or more people, you can boost your financial resources and expertise to help the business grow.

With a trusted partner like Recruiter Startup

costs to start your recruitment desk are minimal compared to starting from scratch

Moreover, having a partner means an extra set of brains with whom you can brainstorm ideas and make critical decisions. This can be particularly beneficial in the early stages of a business when a startup is still refining its business model and strategy.

Note: Partnering with Recruiter Startup will give you access to expert training and remove the additional stress that the traditional startup model brings. 

However, it’s essential to remember that taking on a partner to start an agency from scratch also means splitting profits and decision-making power down the middle. This requires open communication and a clear understanding of how the partnership will operate. It’s advised that you create a legal binding with your partners on how to handle conflict and how profits will be split up to avoid potential disagreements.

Bootstrapping your recruiting company

#3. Bootstrapping: Self-Funding Your Recruiting Company

Another financing option to consider as a recruitment entrepreneur is bootstrapping, which involves self-funding the company using personal or family resources. While this isn’t the most popular funding option, it’s the most basic way to start.

You can bootstrap in a variety of ways, as outlined below:

  1. Personal savings
  2. Funding from family and friends
  3. Bank loans

3. Bank Loans

For those with good credit, bank loans may be an option. However, repayment policies and interest rates may differ significantly, depending on the lender, and the approval process may take time and effort on the founder’s part. It’s essential to carefully consider the terms and risks of any loan before accepting it.

2. Funding From Family and Friends

Another option for bootstrapping is to seek funding from family and friends. While this can be a quick way to get cash, there are potential issues to consider. You must have clear expectations and agreements about whether the funding is a loan or an investment in the business.

1. Personal Savings

The most basic approach is to use your savings to cover startup costs. This option is best used when you have enough capital to cover the necessary expenses. However, it’s crucial to remember that dipping into personal savings can be risky and may put your finances at risk.

#4. Government Initiatives and Grants

A popular recruitment startup funding option is government initiatives and grants, which can provide cash and other forms of support. Depending on the location and business focus, various startup grants are available, including funding programs the UK government offers.

For instance, in the UK, any aspiring recruitment entrepreneur who works from home may be eligible for Start Up Loans. This program offers free business advice and financial support through loans up to £25,000 to help launch a recruitment business, provided they meet the eligibility criteria.

In addition, Innovate UK provides funding for growing companies in the UK, offering up to £25 million for risky projects. Keep in mind that some of these funds might need you to match the amount and might accept applications from groups of companies working together. So, make sure to check the requirements before applying.

Government grants and programs are significant options for startups because you don’t need investors or banks to get the money. This makes it easier for new businesses to get started. Once you know about the grants in your area, it can be a fast way to secure funding for growing your business.

#5. Venture Capital & Angel Investors

Recruiting startups looking for funding options can consider venture capital and angel investors as potential sources of capital. These funding options suit startups with a well-developed business plan and some initial traction.

Venture capital funding is typically provided by professional investors, known as venture capitalists or VC firms, who invest in businesses that have the potential to deliver high returns, often in the range of 15% to 27%. VC firms generally seek companies with a unique value proposition, strong management team, and scalable business model.

Angel investors typically invest their money into startups they believe to have high growth potential. While angel investors invest smaller amounts than VC firms, they can still provide significant capital to startups.

You should do your due diligence while contacting a VC firm or angel investor. Draft a pitch that adequately conveys your business value, capable management, and growth projection.

that adequately conveys your business value, capable management, and growth projection.

Invoice factoring

#6. Invoice Factoring: Raising Funds Fast

Invoice factoring, also known as accounts receivable financing, is a valuable financial tool for a recruitment entrepreneur seeking to improve their cash flow. It’s particularly beneficial for agencies with extended payment terms or businesses facing delays in receiving client payments.

The process begins when a recruitment agency provides services to its clients — in this case, placing candidates in job positions. After completing the service, the agency issues invoices to its clients with a specified payment term, ranging from 30 to 90 days or even more.

Instead of waiting for clients to pay their invoices, the recruitment agency sells the outstanding invoices to a factoring company at a discounted rate, typically ranging from 80% to 90% of the invoice value.

The factoring company advances the agreed-upon percentage of the invoice value to the recruitment agency, providing them with immediate working capital. This enables the agency to cover operational expenses, such as payroll, office rent, and marketing, without waiting for clients to pay.

The factoring company then takes over collecting payment from the clients. Once the clients pay their invoices in full, the factoring company remits the remaining invoice value balance to the recruitment agency minus a factoring fee. This fee is usually a percentage of the invoice value and covers the factoring company’s risk and service costs.

This financing option is best suited for established recruitment agencies, and this guide lists some of the best factoring agencies in the UK. However, understand the costs of venturing into invoice factoring are relatively high compared to other financing options. This is due to fees like interest (0.5% to 4.0% monthly), returned check fees, wire transfer fees, and late payment fees.

Which Is a Suitable Recruitment Funding Option?

The best funding option for your business depends on various things, including the following:

  • How developed your company is
  • How much money you need
  • Your business plan
  • Your growth potential

That said, here are some options for different situations:

New startups

New Startups

If you’re just starting and have a product or service idea, think about crowdfunding or grants. These can help you get the money you need to create your product, build your team, and test your business idea. Or you can take advantage of our associates recruitment model, which is cheaper than starting an agency, and provides you with the tools and resources of a large agency. 

Innovative Businesses

If your company is in a cutting-edge sector, you might qualify for government grants, equity programs, or tax breaks. These funding options can help you finance research and development, expand your business, or invest in new technology.

Profitable Businesses

If your company generates sizable revenue, you could get a traditional bank loan or line of credit. These options can help you cover everyday expenses or invest in equipment and technology for growth.

More Developed Startups

If your startup is already up and running with some success, you might be able to get funding from angel investors or venture capitalists. These options can offer you a lot of money to help your business grow.

Remember, it’s vital to research, have a strong business plan, and weigh the pros and cons of each funding option before deciding. You might also ask a financial advisor or industry mentor for advice.

5 Tips for a Successful Recruitment Startup Funding Acquisition

Ready to start your recruitment business?

Follow these five tips to make your funding successful:

  • Create a clear business plan.
  • Assemble a strong team.
  • Build a minimum viable product (MVP).
  • Develop a marketing plan.
  • Network and build relationships.

Tip #2: Assemble a strong team.

Investors want a skilled and experienced team — so, ensure your team can carry out your business plan and reach your growth goals. Consider hiring an expert from the recruitment industry to help guide your business. For example, if you’re starting a tech recruitment platform, a chief technology officer (CTO) with software engineering experience should form part of your team.

Tip #1: Create a clear business plan.

A detailed business plan is crucial for getting funding. Here, you basically describe your unique selling points, target audience, marketing plan, financial forecasts, and growth potential. For best results, you should include specific goals to track your progress. For example, if your startup connects remote workers with jobs, your plan should explain how to get and keep clients and predict revenue growth, as outlined in our post on how to start a recruitment agency.

Tip #3: Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

minimum viable product (MVP) shows your platform’s unique value and gives investors an idea of how your product will work. For example, if your platform uses artificial intelligence (AI) to match job seekers and opportunities, your MVP could be a simple algorithm that matches people with jobs based on their skills and experience.

Franchise recruiter

Tip #4: Develop a marketing plan.

While marketing may contribute to your recruitment agency startup costs, it’s essential for attracting clients and investors. Use digital and traditional marketing methods that match your target audience and business goals. For example, if your target market is mid-career professionals, focus on LinkedIn ads and content marketing.

Tip #5: Network and build relationships.

Connecting with investors and industry professionals is critical for getting funding. Attend conferences and events, join startup accelerators, and seek advice from experienced entrepreneurs in your industry. For example, you should consider joining local recruitment startup groups or industry associations to meet potential investors and experts. You can also find mentors among successful recruitment business owners who can offer guidance on growing your business.


Recruitment agencies are funded through various sources, including the following:

  • Crowdfunding
  • Business partnership
  • Bootstrapping
  • Government initiatives and grants
  • Venture capital and angel investors
  • Invoice factoring

The choice of funding depends on the agency’s stage of development, growth goals, and financial situation.

In the UK, recruiters can make a decent income. The average salary for a recruitment consultant is around £30,000 per year. However, remember that earnings can vary based on location, industry, and the specific agency a recruiter works for.

In Conclusion

Running a recruitment startup certainly isn’t an easy feat, and depending on the size and nature of your business, securing the funds you need can be challenging. However, by understanding the different recruitment startup funding options available—from grants to venture capital—you can find the right solutions to launch, scale, and grow your business.

Making sure your business is well positioned, and highlighting the successes of your past projects or propositions to investors, is critical to gaining that vital support you need. And our innovative work-from-home recruitment business approach can make realising your dream much easier. Get in touch with us today to get started.

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