Average Salary of Recruitment Consultants in the UK [2024]

Are you considering a career as a recruitment consultant in the UK? One of the most important factors to consider is the salary you can expect in this role.

Join us as we explore the average salary of recruitment consultants in the UK, as well as the factors that can influence your earning potential. You’ll also learn the many benefits the Recruiter Statrtup’s franchise recruiter model offers and what differentiates a recruitment consultant from a recruiter.

What Is the Average Salary for a Recruitment Consultant?

So, how much do recruitment consultants make?

The average salary for a recruitment consultant in the UK is £33,113 per year.

However, it’s important to note that this figure can vary across industries and agencies. Also, recruitment consultants have the potential to earn additional income through commissions and bonuses.

Continue reading to learn more about the different factors that affect a recruitment consultant’s salary.

3 Factors that Influence Recruitment Consultant Salaries

The following are the various factors that determine the salary of a recruitment consultant:

  • Location
  • Experience
  • Company and industry

1. Location

A recruitment agent’s salary can vary significantly depending on the location. In top-paying locations like London, the average recruitment consultant salary can reach up to £35,703 per year. Conversely, in areas like Aberdeen, annual remunerations drop to around £29,411.

2. Experience

As with any profession, experience plays a crucial role in determining your earning potential as a recruitment consultant. A graduate trainee recruitment consultant can expect to earn a lower recruitment salary compared to more experienced professionals. As you gain experience and develop a strong track record of successful placements, your earning potential is likely to increase.

3. Company and Industry

The recruitment agency or company you work for can also impact your salary as a recruitment consultant. Different companies may have varying commission structures, incentives, and bonus schemes. It’s important to research and consider the reputation and track record of the company you’re considering joining. In the following section, we outline the top UK recruitment companies offering high salaries for recruitment consultants.

Top 5 Companies for a Competitive Recruitment Consultant Salary in the UK

When it comes to finding the right company to work for as a recruitment consultant, it’s worthwhile to consider the top companies in the industry.

Here are 5 notable companies that offer a competitive salary for recruitment consultants in the UK:

  • Recruiter Startup
  • SW6 Associates
  • Higher Group
  • Harnham
  • Phaidon International

1. Recruiter Startup

While we don’t pay salaries, Recruiter Startup offers what most other companies fail at — uncapped earning potential. With the privilege to set up your own recruitment desk and cut down on recruitment agency startup costs, Recruiter Startup empowers you to become your own boss. What’s more, you have access to cutting-edge tools and mentorship.

How much do recruiters make in commission in the UK working with Recruiter Startup?

Our franchise recruiters receive 80–90% of the placement fee as a commission.

How much does a recruitment consultant earn by partnering with Recruiter Startup?

Most of our associates earn between £40,000 and £100,000 per year.

Contact the Recruiter Startup team to learn more about our franchise recruiter program.

2. SW6 Associates

With recruitment consultants’ average salaries of £34,936 per year, SW6 Associates is known for providing excellent earning potential for trainee recruitment consultants and their experienced colleagues.

3. Higher Group

Higher Group provides a basic annual salary of £29,836 for recruitment consultant roles, along with a supportive and rewarding work environment.

4. Harnham

Harnham offers an average of £25,264 per year as the salary for recruitment consultants and is known for its strong reputation in the industry.

5. Phaidon International

Phaidon International offers an average recruitment salary of £20,678 per year for recruitment consultants, along with career growth and development opportunities.

Our Verdict

While the majority of these companies don’t provide earning potentials that are as competitive as Recruiter Startup, they’re great options if you prefer working under a company with a predetermined income. But if you possess the required skills to hire candidates and seek an opportunity to work from home as your own boss, then the franchise recruiter model is an excellent fit.

That said, how can you earn the most money while working as a recruitment consultant? Keep reading to discover helpful tips.

4 Tips to Increase Your Earning Potential as a Recruitment Consultant

While earning the average recruitment job’s salary is a good starting point, there are several strategies you can employ to boost your earning potential in this field.

4 tips section image

Here are some tips to consider:

  • Specialise in a niche.
  • Network and build relationships.
  • Engage in continuous learning and development.
  • Consider franchise recruitment opportunities.

1. Specialise in a niche.

By focusing on a specific industry or niche, you can position yourself as an expert in that area. Specialised recruiters often have access to higher-paying job opportunities and can command higher fees for successful placements.

2. Network and build relationships.

Building strong relationships with clients and candidates is crucial for success as a recruitment consultant. When you expand your professional network and maintain strong relationships, you can increase your chances of making successful placements and earning higher commissions.

3. Engage in continuous learning and development.

Stay updated on industry trends, best practices, and new technologies that can enhance your recruitment skills. Investing in continuous learning and development can make you a more valuable and effective recruiter, which can translate into a higher recruiting agent salary.

4. Consider franchise recruitment opportunities.

One unique option to consider is becoming a franchise recruiter. By joining a reputable franchise recruitment organisation like Recruiter Startup, you can start your own recruitment agency and enjoy the benefits of owning your own company.

Here are the benefits of the franchise recruitment model:

  • 2 to 5 guaranteed leads monthly, ongoing support, training, and cloud-based technology to help you succeed and attract business development.
  • Besides owning your personal business, you also enjoy the lion’s share of all placement fees — around 80% to 90% of the placement fee for each successful candidate you match with a job position.
  • Placement fees can range from £2,000 to £4,500, and sometimes even higher. Recruiter Startup only takes a small percentage, plus a monthly fee, to cover the running costs of your recruitment desk as well as ongoing support and resources. The rest goes straight into your bank account, giving you uncapped earning potential from home.

Contact us to learn more and take the first step towards a rewarding and flexible career as a franchise recruiter.

Finally, if you’re wondering how a recruiter differs from a recruitment consultant role, check out the following section.

What’s the Difference Between a Recruiter and a Recruitment Consultant?

The terms “recruiter” and “recruitment consultant” are often used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences in their roles and responsibilities, as we’ll see below.


A recruiter, also known as a recruitment agent, serves as an intermediary between two parties during the recruitment process. Their primary task is to facilitate the hiring process and bridge the gap between employers and job seekers.

Recruiters typically work on behalf of companies or recruitment agencies to source and attract suitable candidates for job vacancies. They handle tasks such as posting job adverts, reviewing resumes, conducting initial screenings, and coordinating interviews.

In a nutshell, recruiters focus on finding the right candidates to fill specific job roles based on the requirements provided by the hiring company.

Recruitment Consultants

Recruitment consultants take a more consultative approach. They dive deeper into understanding the needs, problems, and challenges faced by both companies and job applicants. They conduct thorough assessments of job requirements, company culture, and candidate profiles to provide tailored recruitment solutions.

Graduate recruitment consultants go beyond the initial sourcing and screening stages and often offer additional services such as career counselling, interview preparation, and salary negotiation guidance. They act as trusted advisors to both employers and job seekers, providing expertise and guidance throughout the recruitment process.

Tip: If you’re interested in this career path, check out our guide on how to become a recruitment consultant for the requirements.


While recruiters primarily focus on filling job vacancies efficiently, recruitment consultant jobs take a more holistic approach, providing consultative support to both parties involved in the hiring process. Both roles play crucial parts in the UK recruitment industry, but the distinction lies in the depth of their involvement and the level of recruitment consultancy services provided by recruitment consultants.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you get paid well in recruitment?

Yes, recruitment consultants get paid well, with average salaries ranging from £22,000 to £35,000 per year, depending on experience and seniority. Graduate recruitment consultant salary typically stands at between £22,000 and £28,000, while senior consultants can earn £28,000 to £35,000.

These figures are base salaries and don’t include bonuses or commissions. However, recruitment consultants can potentially earn more by starting a home-based business as a franchise recruiter.

Can you make 6 figures as a Recruitment Consultant?

Yes, it’s possible to make 6 figures working as a recruitment consultant, but it requires consistent hard work and dedication. While a single exceptional quarter may not be enough, consistently performing well over the 4 quarters of a year can lead to significant earning potential.

Sustained success and high performance are key factors in achieving a six-figure basic salary. If you’re hardworking, you should consider registering as a franchise recruiter with Recruiter Startup. Most of our associates earn between £40,000 and £100,000 annually.

Are recruiters in demand in the UK?

Yes, recruiters are in high demand in the UK. The recruitment sector has experienced a surge in demand since summer 2021, with levels reaching unprecedented heights. The growing demand for recruiters is driven by various factors, including economic recovery, increased hiring activities, and the need for specialised talent acquisition.

Why is recruitment so big in the UK?

Recruitment is a significant industry in the UK due to several factors. One key reason is the emphasis on higher job satisfaction and lower employee attrition rates, which are important evaluation metrics in the hiring process. The UK recruitment market’s focus on ensuring job satisfaction leads to better recruitment outcomes — satisfied employees are more likely to stay with their employers for longer periods.

This positive track record further drives the demand for recruitment services as more businesses seek to find and retain top talent.


As a recruitment consultant in the UK, you have the opportunity to earn a competitive recruitment salary, with the potential for additional income through commissions and bonuses. While several factors influence the salary of recruitment consultants—such as location, experience, and the company you work for—you can set up your own remote recruitment desk from the comfort of your home by registering as a franchise recruiter on Recruiter Startup. This model affords you an uncapped earning potential and the luxury to set your work hours.

Daniel has an operations background and has been working in the Recruitment and Payroll sector for over 15 years. Daniel started with Additional Resources in 2010, now managing Business Operations, IT, and Contractor services.

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